Volunteering at the Senior Center


Avon Senior Center has many volunteer opportunities.  We would love for you to share your interests and talents with our older adults. 

We are looking for people who know how to knit and would like to show the seniors how to knit.  There’s interest in learning how to knit and socialize with others.

We are looking for people who would like to volunteer to teach computer and technology classes to the seniors.  The class ideas are ebay, Facebook, Skype, digital cameras, photography and pictures, Word and Excel.

If you enjoy gardening there's a wonderful opportunity at the Avon Senior Center to help in the Living Memorial Garden.  We need help weeding and maintaining the lovely garden.  Please help out and join our Garden Angels. 

If you don't garden but would like to share your talents, the Avon Senior Center could use your help to answer the phones, help out in the kitchen, set up for programs, take attendance at programs, meet and greet new people, you name it!